I share with you my Crime & Mystery Book Recommendations! Fair warning: I’m sick in this video so some words don’t come out right and I sometimes don’t make sense (nothing new there but I [More]
The Client is a 2011 South Korean courtroom thriller film directed by Sohn Young-sung. Starring Jang Hyuk Park Hee-soon Ha Jung-woo Subscribe to my channel at – Contact me at : / Whats [More]
Tamil science fiction crime mystery thriller film co written, co produced and directed by C. V. Kumar. The film features Sundeep Kishan and Lavanya Tripathi in the lead roles, while Daniel Balaji and Jackie Shroff [More]
In which Crime Corner returns with a book haul which covers every nook and cranny of crime, mystery, and thriller! With two rants and a horror book thrown in, for good measure. 🌟🌟🌟 HAUL SPOILERS [More] ◄ Click Here to Get this Book Mystery Time An Alex Kertész Mystery by Janet Hannah An American microbiologist dies on stage as he is about to lecture at a scientific congress in Prague, [More]
In which I talk for far too long about several books that made their way into my house over the past month or so! Let me know in the comments if you’ve read and enjoyed [More]