This episode of Mike’s Book Reviews chronicles his first step into the world of Pierce Brown’s dystopian science-fiction adventure the Red Rising Saga. This is a full spoiler review for book #1, Red Rising, so [More]
Mike talks about his love for Pierce Brown’s dystopian science-fiction saga Red Rising and why you should read it. No spoilers. Purchase Red Rising here: (physical) (audio) Purchase Golden Son here: (physical) [More]
American author Pierce Brown received raves for his “Red Rising” trilogy, which earned him a spot on the New York Times’ best-seller list.
This July 16th, Jenna Bush Hager and Barbara Pierce Bush discuss their presidential childhood, as well as other topics explored in their joint memoir, Sisters First. Nanea & Nai’a Perkins (/NayaReadsAndSmiles) and Sasha & Marisa [More]