Good science fiction always makes us think. And great science fiction entertains the hell out of us while doing so. So here are the five best sci-fi books of recent times that I enjoyed. We’ve [More]
The Book of Enoch has too much information that can disrupt the deception of the prince of the power of the air, and that is why it was NOT included in the rest of what [More]
On March 25, 2014, Michael J. Sulick, former Director of the U.S. National Clandestine Service and former Chief of CIA Counterintelligence discussed his new book “American Spies: Espionage against the United States from the Cold [More]
This was strangely dark but sexy to me. I just love Ciel and Sebastian! Still, why did they have to kill Joker!
The book Memoirs of an Elf tells how Santa stays on schedule delivering presents around the world on Christmas Eve. For full review and shopping info ► Product Info: The book Memoirs of an [More]